TweeCool :: {{ simple, fast and reliable }}
TweeCool :: {{ simple, fast and reliable }}


Date Version Notes
10/12/2016 2.2 Callback function added
05/11/2016 2.1 Remove replies option added
27/10/2016 2.0 'Time ago' minor bug fixed
07/11/2015 1.9 favorite icon (★) changed to like icon (❤)
29/10/2015 1.8 Time ago sentence changed with or without 's'
15/08/2015 1.7 New options added to the API and jQuery plugin
12/07/2015 1.6 Hyperlinks added for "@" and "#"
08/01/2015 1.5 IEs timestamp fixed
31/10/2014 1.4 Media bug fixed
31/10/2014 1.3 SSL added
03/10/2014 1.2 Screen name, name, and media added
11/06/2014 1.1 count - up to 25 tweets only
15/07/2013 1.0 Initial release
prestigelogic it support
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