TweeCool :: {{ simple, fast and reliable }}
TweeCool :: {{ simple, fast and reliable }}





screenname: The screen name of the user for whom to return results for, default: tweecool

count: Number of tweets to try and retrieve, default: 3

exclude_replies: This parameter will prevent replies from appearing in the returned timeline if set to 1, default: 0

prestigelogic it support


Format type: JSON

"id":1597066105, //User ID
"name":"sh\u00e9rif de l'espace", //User name
"screen_name":"tweecool", //Screen name
"profile_image_url":"http:\/\/\/profile_images\/579440035717595136\/0n2IMhYK_normal.jpg" //User profile image
"text":"RT @jQueryRepo: jQuery Plugin To Display Your Tweets On The Web Page - TweeCool https:\/\/\/gtrdzN5lvE", //Retweeted text with 'RT @USERNAME:'
"id_str":"660154195824254976", //Tweet status ID
"retweeted_text":"jQuery Plugin To Display Your Tweets On The Web Page - TweeCool https:\/\/\/gtrdzN5lvE", //Original text
"retweet_count":1, //Total retweet
"favorite_count":0, //Total favorite
"retweet_count_f":1, //Total favorite number formatted with K, M, or B
"favorite_count_f":0, //Total favorite number formatted with K, M, or B
"created_at":"Fri Oct 30 18:00:00 +0000 2015", //Date & Time in GMT format
"timestamp":1446228000 //Timestamp in second
"text":"TweeCool 1.8 released, time ago sentence more accurate.", //Tweet text
"created_at":"Thu Oct 29 22:32:23 +0000 2015",

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